Week of the Young Child Celebration at WCCC’s Early Childhood Program April 11-15, 2016

**Parents should wear their special handprint badges all week!

Monday: Parent Breakfast  7:30-10:00am

Red Sox Spirit Day: wear your Sox apparel

Tuesday: Color Day, Wear something the color of your room

Drum Concert with Kathy Copplestone  11:00

Wednesday: Three Billy Goats Gruff Puppet Show  11:00

Eat at Bertucci’s 12:00-10:00pm with family & friends

Thursday:  Hat Day and Buddy Day

Friday:  Fire Truck Visit—

10:00-10:15                 Orange

10:15-10:30                 Yellow

10:30-10:45                 Purple

10:45-11:00                 Toddlers

*Infants may join any group pending naps.

Afternoon Snack–popsicles on the front deck

You and your child are welcome to join us for an event, if your child does not come on a day when there is something special happening,

We look forward to celebrating with you!




Posted in Early Childhood, Special Event.