2017 Annual Appeal

Dear WCCC Families, During this season of giving, we ask you to consider making a gift to WCCC. Resources for teacher education and retention are always the top funding priority, but we thought it would be fun to ask some children from the Early Childhood and After-School programs for their ideas. Here they are… Thank you […]

WCCC After School Family Night, Wednesday, May 24th

On Wednesday, May 24th, the WCCC After School Program will host our annual Family Night at the Sprague Elementary School.  WCCC LIVE will begin at 6:00 PM with the opening of our art gallery located in the school atrium. The works of art will feature pieces representing each after school site. At 6:30 we will turn our […]

WCCC After School Good Friday and April Vacation Full Day Program

On Good Friday April 14th, Tuesday April 18th, Wednesday April 19th, Thursday April 20th and Friday April 21st, the WCCC After School Program will be open for 5 Full Day Program days at the Bates School from 8AM to 6PM. Space is limited and forms are due by April 12th. CLICK HERE FOR FULL DAY PROGRAM SIGN-UP FORM Friday, April 14th Energy Fitness […]

FUN RUN: Saturday, April 1, 2017: Thanks to all for a fabulous morning of fun–see you next year!!

The Wellesley Community Children’s Center’s 37th annual FUN RUN/FUN FAIR will take place on SATURDAY, APRIL 1, from 8:30-12:00pm in the DOROTHY TOWNE FIELD HOUSE OF WELLESLEY COLLEGE’S KEOHANE SPORTS CENTER! Races for children 3-12 years old from 9am-noon. Race entry fee: $7.  $3 for siblings.  $3 for additional races. All racers receive a runner […]