Make a Paper Heart Mouse
These cute mice rock back and forth too!
Make a Rainbow Daze
Let your imagination soar and make your own colorful “Rainbow Daze”
Make a Love Critter Puppet
Look how cute it is!
Tape Line Games for One or More!
Five simple line games requiring only tape and yourself!
Play a Fun Sponge Bullseye Game
All you need is chalk, a sponge, and some water!
Try Tin Can Bowling
Have some empty tin cans that are being recycled? Turn them into a fun bowling game that is set up outdoors!
Try the Radical Rainbow Experiment
Create your own rainbow with this easy experiment!
Make Your Own Parachute
Make your toy a skydiver!
Crazy Cloud Experiment
Ever look up into the sky and wonder how clouds form? A great science activity like this “cloud formed in a jar” can be so fun and simple.