Make a Penny Spinner!
Make a toy top!
Two New Lego Activities!
Create a mosaic or complete the zoo challenge!
Challenge Yourself with an Oversized Memory Game
We love the giant-sized version of this classic memory game. It’s a great way to add exercise and creativity to a game that builds brain-power!
Create a Family Memory Game
We all love the game Memory, so let’s get ready to make a Family Memory!
Try Tin Can Bowling
Have some empty tin cans that are being recycled? Turn them into a fun bowling game that is set up outdoors!
Play Driveway Chutes and Ladders
This is a fun, giant version of chutes and ladders where kids can be creative, have fun, and get in some physical activity!
Make a Mini Eruption
Part science experiment, part hands-on exploration, lots of fun!
Make an Airfoil Flyer
The Artificial Maple Seed
Make Music with a Garden Xylophone
Get outside and make some noise!