Try the Radical Rainbow Experiment
Create your own rainbow with this easy experiment!
Make a Chalk Obstacle Course
Obstacle courses are a great way to keep kids moving and having fun. Here is an example but kids love to create their own obstacle courses.
Make a Turtle with Popsicle Sticks and Yarn!
These turtles are adorable and easy to make!
Play Driveway Chutes and Ladders
This is a fun, giant version of chutes and ladders where kids can be creative, have fun, and get in some physical activity!
Play Sticky Note Wall Bop
This is a fun game that kids can play either on their own with a family member!
Try Pyramid Bowling
Here’s a fun twist on bowling!
Make a Pom-Pom Wall
This activity can be done anywhere there is a wall! Watch your pom-poms fall through the course you create.
Make an Airfoil Flyer
The Artificial Maple Seed
Create a Nature Bracelet!
This one is pretty simple, but a great way to get the kids outside and moving around!