Early Childhood Program Enrollment

*The Early Childhood Program is currently fully enrolled.

WCCC’s Early Childhood Program’s purpose-built building was constructed in 1988 as a result of collaboration between Babson College, Wellesley College, and WCCC. Due to this collaboration, two-thirds of available slots are first offered to employees and full-time students of Wellesley and Babson colleges and one-third to community members from Massachusetts towns. Enrollment questions should be directed to Paula at 781-235-7667 or ecpenrollment@wcccwellesley.org

Wellesley College and Babson College faculty, staff and full time students should reach out to Assistant Director Paula Dolan to learn more about college priorities and our enrollment process. 


Each year, we begin accepting applications on September 15 for the following September. There is a $75 application fee. We use the applications as our waiting list in the event that someone leaves during the year. Spaces for the following September will be offered in January or February.

Please mail the application and application fee (check to WCCC):

Wellesley Community Children’s Center (attn: Paula Dolan)

Wellesley College
106 Central Street
Wellesley, MA  02481

**Your canceled check will serve as confirmation that your application was received.  Please note that in  September, at the start of our new school year, it may take up to two weeks to process your application fee check.


We set up a few enrollment Zoom meetings throughout the year to talk about the program, answer questions and show families  a video about our school.  Assistant Director Paula Dolan will schedule a time for an individual Q and A with any family for whom we may offer a space.

If it looks like a family will be offered a space for their child, we will invite you to have a  private tour with an administrator.

See our Virtual Meeting page for dates.


We have two Infant, two Toddler, and four Preschool Classrooms in which children are generally placed by chronological age.  Children remain in their classrooms for the entire school year with the same group of children and teachers.

In the Infant and Toddler rooms, there are limited part-time (2, 3) or 5-day options for enrollment.  Preschool children are offered 5 day placements.

Please note that WCCC is a twelve month program.


Upon acceptance into the program, families sign a contract that is in effect until the end of the school year in late August.  Currently, WCCC requires a non-refundable deposit of $300 when contracts are signed.


WCCC’s annual tuition is divided into 12 monthly payments due on the first of each month.


Wellesley College provides $40,000 in financial aid to college employees whose children are enrolled at the Early Childhood Program.  The application process is confidential.  Applications are reviewed by the Executive Director and the Financial Aid Committee.


Teachers and parents partner together to help make each child’s transition into the program as smooth as possible. Our typical transition plan includes the following:

School Visit with Primary Teacher: Prior to the first day of school, each child’s primary teacher will reach out to parents to set up a time to visit their new classroom and learn more about each child and their family.

Transition Book: Each classroom makes a transition book which will include teacher and classroom photos so parents and children can ‘read’ about their future classrooms and see photos of their teachers.

Staggered Start to New School Year:  In order to facilitate the connection between teachers and children and ease the transition to a new classroom, we have a gradual transition for the first two days of school.  We split each classroom in half so that half of the group attends school on Tuesday and the other half on Wednesday.  Beginning the Thursday after Labor Day, all children are welcome to attend on their scheduled days.  Siblings will have the same transition day schedule.

Administration Parent Welcome Meeting: Typically takes place during the evening in mid-September.

Parent/Teacher Back to School Night:  Typically takes place during the evening in mid-September.

Fall Family Social Gathering: At the end of the school day, we gather in the school outdoor spaces while children socialize with friends and parents begin to make connections with other families and teachers.